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Why Clarkson's Comments Are No Laughing Matter

Infantile Disorder | 01.12.2011 14:02 | Analysis | Workers' Movements

As you've probably heard by now, Jeremy Clarkson is in hot water this afternoon. Last night, following the biggest show of working class power in many people's lives, he straightfacedly told BBC's The One Show that striking public sector workers should be killed:

"I would have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they have these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed, while the rest of us have to work for a living?"

Notwithstanding the obvious hypocrisy of these comments, coming from someone who's idea of "working for a living' is driving about in cars and occasionally writing drivel for Rupert Murdoch, they do set a dangerous precedent. As Deterriorial Support tweeted, the Top Gear presenter has "opened up the discourse of ritual slaughter as part of the class war."

No doubt Clarkson's defenders will claim that he was 'only joking', and indeed Jimmy Carr has already complained that "The largest public sector strikes in a generation" are being overshadowed by "a joke".

Carr had already Tweeted support for the strike, so he is partly concerned that the strike will be overshadowed by a celebrity controversy. But Carr is also worried that if Clarkson is hauled over the coals, his own 'it's only a joke' schtick will be weakened. Carr - like his friend Frankie Boyle - is a genuinely thoughtful comedian, who nevertheless often resorts to scapegoating of the vulnerable to get a cheap laugh.

As I wrote in a comment on the comedy evolution of Boyle:

"It's one thing to attack "political correctness" - the 'moral' norms of the establishment - but comedians have to go beyond this if they are going to make most of us laugh. Especially in these times of great economic crisis and naked political corruption, people increasingly want to see those at the top - rather than those scraping along the bottom - cut down to size."

The danger of Clarkson's 'joke' is made clear by the political context. The man is a friend of Prime Minister David Cameron, at a time when the latter is leading an unprecendented attack on working class living standards. Yesterday's strike is sure to be only one battle in an escalating class war. Just last week I wrote how the European appointment of financial placemen to government was:

"[...]another big step in the eventual abolition of bourgeois democracy. When the time comes, military and para-military forces from the far right will be used in an attempt to crush the fighting battalions of the working class."

Some politically confused, utterly misled people amongst the working class - members of the EDL for example - will doubtless be laughing at Clarkson's 'joke' right now. But let us not forget, shooting trade unionists and activists is not some outlandish idea plucked from Clarkson's brain - it does happen. It regularly happens in Colombia. One hundred years ago, Winston Churchill gave orders for the army to shoot striking Welsh miners. At the end of this October - police in the 'land of the free' shot rubber bullets at Occupy Oakland demonstrators, nearly killing a man. And just three weeks ago, Met Police Commander Simon Pountain threatened protesting students and electricians with rubber bullets.

This time, the BBC may be compelled to severely censure Clarkson, but his idea is now out there. It is an option 'on the table' - perhaps discounted for now, but still, it remains there until a time when the ruling class is more desperate to maintain its grip on society.

Infantile Disorder
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Hide the following 58 comments

Why we need to make formal complaints about this

01.12.2011 14:19

We need to throw our collective weight behind getting this cunt sacked.... whatever activists might think of petitions and complaints procedures etc, if this wanker survives with his job intact it'll be massive reinforcement for the mainstreaming of Anders Breivik / EDL type views, and we'll be feeling the full force of that in terms of EDL and BNP attacks on occupations and picket lines. Seriously, get busy people.....,

Send this link to ALL your mates


Some people have way too much time on their hands

01.12.2011 14:44

Clarkson must be laughing all the way to the bank with the boost this will give to his Christmas book and DVD (which is why he was on the One Show). No way will the BBC sack somebody who writes and presents the most watched TV show in the world !

Grown up

stewart lee on top gear humour

01.12.2011 15:50

Yes - that's how they think

And the 41st best stand-up in the world's Top Gear routine outraged The Daily Mail reading nuts.


Jeremy Clarkson - 4,700 complaints and counting ;)

01.12.2011 16:00

So you think you're "grown up" do you? Alot of "mainstream" folk dismissed left-wing fears about EDL supporters until Anders Breivik started exploding car bombs and slaughtering kids.

As for Jeremy Clarkson laughing all the way to the bank, Jeremy Clarkson's stinking rich anyway, and his vile comments are a done deal, so, given that no-one can stop him from making comments he's already made, a punt on getting him sacked doesn't risk anything if it fails, but will seriously hurt him if it succeeds.

4,700 complaints and counting ;)


Let's get this in perspective

01.12.2011 16:28

According to a piece in the Daily Nazi "The BBC has received a record number of complaints about its programmes this year... a controversial show called The Virgin Mary was the worst offender, provoking 174 complaints... the second most offensive TV moment was a lingering gay kiss in Casualty which drew 114 complaints". Recently, after the Pope's visit, "almost 400 people said the BBC had given the events too much airtime and more than 150 claimed the broadcasts had been too favourable towards Benedict XVI"

Looks like Clarkson's going for a world record

Mark Thompson

Nothing will happen

01.12.2011 17:12

Before anybody gets too excited I will save you some time. Nobody here gives a toss about complaints. It's an easy way to dilute outrage and make the public think their views are listened to which I can assure you they are not.

Clarkson and the Top Gear team with all the overseas film sales, DVD's, Live Shows and Magazines are the BBC's biggest money spinner and the top brass think the sun shines out of his and Andy Wilman's backsides.

People at the BBC have already moved this to the category of "Clarkson upset someone new - who cares"

BBC employee

Make joking comments about riots and you'll get locked up...

01.12.2011 17:12

One law for the rich and for old Etonians like David Cameron and his friends, and another for ordinary people.

What about all the people who jokingly asked who was up for a riot on Facebook and got the book thrown at them? But because this is a millionaire with friends in high places, he'll get off scot free. Another reason why the law is a joke and you should have no hesitation in breaking it.


Have you watched the interview

01.12.2011 17:17

Before everybody gets all worked up to a complete lather of self indignation perhaps you should watch the video. Clarkson's obviously taking the piss, he's laughing, the interviewers are laughing and he's clearly not being serious. Has the activist community now become the Daily Mail ?

Calm down dear

The BBC is clearly part of the problem

01.12.2011 17:23

'BBC Employee' claims:

People at the BBC have already moved this to the category of "Clarkson upset someone new - who cares"

Just like they did with Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand then.

You can get 4 years for suggesting a riot on your facebook page and nothing for advocating killing people in front of their families on national TV?

non licence holder

Stewart Lee is number 40, not 41!

01.12.2011 17:32

"And the 41st best stand-up in the world's Top Gear routine outraged The Daily Mail reading nuts."

Disagree strongly with that.

Stewart Lee is now the 40th best stand up/celebrity/personality/TV tartlet in the world. You're forgetting that Jimmy Saville died in October.

Jeremy Hitler.

It's all about money

01.12.2011 17:32

Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand didn't make the BBC anything like the amount of money that Clarkson does plus Ross was already facing falling viewer numbers for his show and was in a high cost talent contract that we wanted out of. Nobody cares about Brand and we were well shot of him.

Clarkson and Top Gear makes MILLIONS for the BBC

BBC employee

As was said already "watch the video"

01.12.2011 17:35

He did not "....advocating killing people in front of their families on national TV.." He was taking the piss. Go watch the video and stop being so po-faced.

Has sense of humour

Faux suspension

01.12.2011 17:39

After Ross's so called 'suspension' he was back at work on the BBC within three months.

Doesn't care much either way

BBC, its a gas!

01.12.2011 17:44

I don't pay my licence fee to hear this juvenile crap.

I certainly don't pay my licence fee so this inbred mongrel can swan about slagging off the people who would be stitching this fuckwit back together again if he had the car crash we all want so badly.

Just shut the fuck up man and leave it alone. No-one gives a shit about your badly written book/comic.

James May

Reply to "BBC employee"

01.12.2011 18:26

Thanks for your input Jeremy, but after Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross left comments about (as I recall) fucking Andrew Sachs' grand-daughter on the poor man's ansaphone, the BBC was fined £150,000 by Ofcom, Russell Brand and the BBC Radio 2 Controller Lesley Douglas both RESIGNED from the BBC, Ross was suspended without pay for 12 weeks, and, while the multi-millionaire celebs are unfortunately still rich and famous, nonethless a/ I seriously doubt they'll ever be doing anything that stupid again (thanks to the complaints), and b/ a senior exec of the BBC lost his job, so I'd say at least some people at the BBC probably do "give a toss" and/or "cares" about complaints, you lying cunt.

Fast forwarding to 2011, please remember that one of the biggest newspapers in the UK was destroyed outright by public protests, so I suggest you shut the fuck up and stop trolling Indymedia to try and cover your stinking fat ass.

Chipping Norton

Reply to "sense of humour"

01.12.2011 18:34

It's not about what this moron will pretend he "really meant" with hindsight, it's about the knuckle-dragging psychos of the EDL, BNP and NF etc taking these kinds of comments as reinforcement, ie - Fox News hysteria leading up to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, Melanie Phillips journalism being quoted dozens of times by serial killer Anders Breivik etc

Chipping Norton

E-mail the links to all your friends

01.12.2011 18:36

E-mail the links to all your friends


Good grief , you stole your ice cream ?

01.12.2011 18:36

Look friend I'm just telling you how it was today at the BBC. I don't give a toss if you think something else is going to happen because it isn't.

Shall we agree to meet here in a month and see which one of us was right ?

BBC employee

Chipping Norton

01.12.2011 18:39

Chill man. This is a non-story that will burn briefly and be gone in three days. It's not worth getting stressed over.

Much calmer person

What killed the News of the World

01.12.2011 18:43

"one of the biggest newspapers in the UK was destroyed outright by public protests"

Was it fuck ! The NOTW was destroyed because all the other media organisations took the opportunity to put the boot into Murdoch when they had the chance. The NOTW will be relaunched as the Sun On Sunday next summer. The key journalists have been kept on the books and the rest told they will be re-hired by April.


"BBC employee" & 5,000 complaints

01.12.2011 18:51

Listen Jeremy, you were lying when you claimed no-one at the BBC cares about this, because, in addition to the points made above, your employers have now been forced to apologise, you have been forced to apologise, and the BBC have also just confirmed that complains have topped 5,000, so don't post lies on the internet unless you're willing to face a response -

As for what the latest BBC News report says the jerk said about seeing comments "in context" - the context for these comments IS the fact that you earn a million a year from the public sector that you hypocritically condemn, the context for this IS the reactionary and homophobic bullshit that you constantly come out with, and the context for this IS the relationship between influential media types like Melanie Phillips and the impact she has on people like Anders Breivik.... now FUCK OFF


Chipping Norton

Are you deaf?

01.12.2011 18:54

It wasn't a case of stealing ice cream. It WAS a case of someone saying I should be murdered. Are you deaf?

Reckon you can try to be a bit MORE patronising next time?



01.12.2011 19:42

1/ Jeremy Clarkson has "apologised", but not to camera, the gutless wanker

2/ So, keep on sending them in

3/ You don't have to give ANY personal details (not even an e-mail address) if you specify on the BBC's on-line complaints form that you don't wish to receive a reply from them

4/ Don't be put off by the bit that says something like "is your complaint addressed by the stupid excuses contained in this pop-up window" - just carry on and register your complaint anyway


"Journo" knows nothing about The News of the World

01.12.2011 19:51

Another "journo" who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. Surprise Surprise!

The News of the World was brought down by an advertising boycott that was sparked by members of the public joining an on-line campaign started by activists like the Political Scrapbook blog. Sure the NOTW's loyal friends in the media turned on their former allies to help bring them down after they realised defeat was inevitable, but the other papers wouldn't have got involved at all if these people hadn't started the ball rolling. And even if NOTW does re-launch next year, a 2.5+ million selling newspaper still lost most of a whole year's revenue, so, predictably, your bleating is way off the mark

Gordon Bennett

Own goal

01.12.2011 21:03

We all know Jeremy Clarkson's got a load of dodgy merch to promote, but he's on TV all the time anyway, so, 24 hours after his friend David Cameron hoped the media spotlight would be firmly OFF the strikes, thanks to our Jezza, Trades Union leaders have been prominent in the main TV news for an extra 24 hours


Ignore the professional buffoon

01.12.2011 21:59

Jeremy Clarkson is a professional idiot. He makes controversial comments for a living. No doubt he was on the One Show to promote a new DVD in time for Christmas and these comments no doubt give him all that lovely publicity he craves.
Having said that, I'm sure even Clarkson has his bins emptied by council workers. I'm sure when Richard Hammond had his car crash, he was not transported to the nearest private hospital. No, he would have been looked after by those lowly public sector workers at an NHS hospital. And it's a bit rich for Clarkson to refer to himself as a 'worker'. I don't think spouting crap about fast cars counts as work. Treat this guy as the inconsequential idiot he really is and don't take him seriously. The guy is a caricature. An idiot. A buffoon.


EDL attacks on Occupy camps and pickets etc ....

01.12.2011 22:33

Bob, sure Jeremy Clarkson's an idiot, sure he has a DVD to promote - he's achieved the publicity he wanted anyway. If, in response, we sit back and take this abuse, we do nothing as you suggest, next time EDL members use Facebook to call for direct violence against on Occupy camps and pickets etc as they've done before, they'll be able to say they were just joking, that they should be allowed this kind of humour, while all the while waiting and hoping that someone out there might be incited to commit a Norway-style massacre. If you've not seen the photos of EDL members posing with knives and guns (some fake, but some most definitely real) you should get cracking with Google sharpish mate


"Large number of people" report Clarkson to the police

01.12.2011 22:42

Help give the police have something useful to do ;)

A striking teacher has called for Jeremy Clarkson to be sacked - after the Top Gear presenter joked activists should be executed in front of their families. Father-of-two Ken Muller was outraged his children - who are big Top Gear fans - had to hear one of their favourite TV personalities saying their dad should be killed and has reported the outburst to police. The BBC has already received 5,000 complaints about the comments made on The One Show yesterday (Wednesday), which goes out at 7pm and has many young viewers. Speaking of striking public sector workers, Clarkson said: “I’d have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families.”

The City and Islington College teacher Ken Muller, who is the assistant secretary of the National Union of Teachers’ Islington branch, said: “My kids love watching Top Gear, so it’s pretty appalling for them to hear the presenter say I should be executed in front of them. I have reported it to the POLICE and they told me I was one of a large number of people to do so. There are enough nutters around who might see that on TV and get inspired to do something. It’s absolutely outrageous and he should be sacked. This was on early in the evening. Thousands of parents might have been on strike, and then their kids came home and heard their parents should be shot. If I had said something like that on TV, I’d have police knocking on my door."


camerons friends

01.12.2011 23:43

jeremy clarkson says what cameron dare not. cameron should be judged by the friends he keeps,brookes coulson clarkson let alone his bunch of sycophantic millionaires on the tory benches

mail e-mail:


02.12.2011 01:51

@anon + non licence holder

This is nothing to wonder about. You live in a country with civil "democracy" and the civil "democracy" is a mechanism of the state, a mechanism of violence and oppression by which the economic and political elite ensure its sovereignty over the rest of society. The justice therefore as key institution of this state is not neutral or independent of course but fully oriented to defend the interests of the class which represent. What is more to worry is the second part of his stupid speech when he is saying " while the rest of us have to work for a living”. Insidiously - despite the fact that he is not a worker but a parasite because if he stopped his "work", he won't miss to anyone like a nurse or a teacher for example - he is trying to split the workers into those working in the private sector and those who are working in the public sector. He divides the workers into "good" (private sector) and "bad" (public sector) and using this trick because he knows the terrorism in the private sector and how hard is to go on strike. Additionally supports the apathy and takes for granted that the right is with those who bow their heads. Well there is not such a thing like neutrality in this world and the time of fat cows of capitalism has gone for good.


You are going too far. It is not the same a stupid comment on t.v by someone who is known for his stupid sense of humor and the EDL members who are posing with knives and guns. Fascism is the crutch of civil "democracy" and this is proved magnificently from what you mentioned. It is more than dumb to planning a direct violence and have it published on ratbook but because EDL is a political party and those morons are taking orders by someone they are just get used as alibi. I do not say to sit back and take this abuse but I do not think the right way to act is to ask from bbc to sack him or call the cops. We have to act as a movement. Everyone through the places are involved (unions, political teams, squats, etc etc) has to write a statement - and leaflet it to working places, to neighborhoods, to schools etc etc - which makes clear the mentality of his comment and the role that BBC plays and also we have to start to build and strength - indymedia is an example- our own structures and culture. These if you want to create a better world and build a strong movement which are going to help you to achieve it, otherwise you can keep act spasmodically and wait for your turn. We have to put our conditions and not begging those who are fighting us.


You do not understand that with this attitude you legitimize the cops and the anti-"terrorist" laws. I would worry more that my child spends his time watching crap on TV rather that my child heard the foolishness of Clarkson. The kids are not stupid and I think this comment make them more consciousness rather scary. At the end though Clarkson is Clarkson and not a poor kid from hackney and that's why nothing is going to happen to him as nothing happened to the war criminal Blair, to the cop killers, to Mr topshop and etc etc. If you really want to hurt him just stop watch his programmes.


Just as I predicted

02.12.2011 07:37

Three trade union leaders now say they "accept Clarkson's apology", spokesman for the BBC says "matter is now closed", WH Smith says sales of Clarkson's Christmas DVD "up by about 30%".

While a number of Indymedia readers think that writing emails of complaint to us makes a difference the BBC has now moved on and is pleased to see the increased fees it will get as part of the DVD sales.

BBC employee

Reply to "BBC employee"

02.12.2011 09:34

For all your smug comments, what you didn't predict "BBC employee" was that so many of your comments would be exposed as a pack of lies (see above). In reply to your latest nonsense....

1/ Three trade union leaders now say they "accept Clarkson's apology"? > Unfortunately you havn't provided any proof, so we can take that claim with a pinch of salt, but even if this is true the fact is that both the BBC and Clarkson have been forced to apologise as a result of the pressure brought to bear on them by members of the public, so under any circumstance this is a victory for the people Clarkson abused

2/ Spokesman for the BBC says "matter is now closed"? > Of course the BBC would say that.... so fucking what, the complaints are still pouring in to the BBC website

3/ WH Smith says sales of Clarkson's Christmas DVD "up by about 30%"? > And Berlusconi's popularity increased as a result of him fucking teenagers... among scumbags. Granted that Clarkson got the publicity he wanted anyway. Given that irreversible fact, after that, the options for the people whose murders Clarkson called for were either to take it lying down or to try to fight back. Many chose to do the latter, and both the BBC and Clarkson have been forced to apologise as a direct result. As for the future, a number of complaints have already been referred to the POLICE for INCITEMENT TO MURDER, and, over the next few months, we'll see how those progress.

4/ While a number of Indymedia readers think that writing emails of complaint to us makes a difference the BBC has now moved on and is pleased to see the increased fees it will get as part of the DVD sales? > I'm sure the BBC are delighted by the money they stand to rake in from publicity generated by Fascist-style threats to kill trades unionists, no mystery there Sherlock, why the fuck do people like you think that increasing numbers of people turn to outlets like Indymedia in preference to the BBC? Stroll on...

Chipping Norton

this is about hypocrisy - of course ex public-schoolboy Clarkson was joking

02.12.2011 09:56

Of course we all know he was just joking, but that isn't the point.

Ordinary people who joked about rioting got 4 years. Why? Because they government was worried that despite them knowing it was just a joke, some people might take them seriously, and that it could increase the general feeling that riots were acceptable.

Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson was educated at a public school (surprise, surprise) - Repton School in Derbyshire:

Despite portraying himself as a man of the people who speaks what the common person thinks. So many of these supposedly working class right wing loudmouths turn out to actually be from the privileged elite.

He's a toff like his pal Cameron, and that is why the double standards mean he will not be spending the next four years locked up. THAT is what people are complaining about - NOT that they think he genuinely meant what he said to be taken literally. He is just a self-caricature making outrageous comments to pad out his already bulging bank balance..


Comment approved by BBC producers BEFORE the show

02.12.2011 10:23

According to this morning's Guardian "for now, the BBC believes the matter is at rest, and doesn't intend to discipline Clarkson - unless, insiders said, the controversy ratchets up any further", however The Daily Telegraph has just confirmed that Jeremy Clarkson's execute strikers joke was cleared by BBC producers BEFORE the programme, so it looks like there's plenty of grounds for ratcheting this up. Given this new development, and given the story's front page news on virtually every newspaper in the UK (not to mention international publicity) I doubt the complaints are going to stop rolling in just yet ;)

Self defence

I think you are confused

02.12.2011 10:29

You liking or not liking my comments or claiming they are not true because you are unable to do a simple Google check to confirm them are irrelevant. I know they are true and other BBC employees know they are true (unlike the fake BBC employee who posted above).

If you really think that the readers of Indymedia are influential in deciding BBC policy then you go for it girlfriend !

BBC employee

ex Public schoolboy Clarkson went on strike himself as a young reporter!

02.12.2011 10:44

According to the Torygraph, former public schoolboy Jeremy Clarkson went on strike himself as a young reporter on the Rotherham Advertiser, for several weeks!:

The hypocrisy here is getting worse. As another former public schoolboy, Richard Littlejohn is fond of saying: "You couldn't make it up!"


21,335 complaints by 9:30 this morning

02.12.2011 10:47

In fact "BBC employee" I'll do even better than a quick Google search - according to BBC News 24, the BBC Audience Services department have confirmed receipt of 21,335 complaints as of 9:30 this morning, and with the news being all over today's papers that BBC producers approved the incitement to kill before the broadcast, it doesn't look like this is going to quiet down soon

Clarkson's hiding in China, where strikers are in fact often killed by the authorities

Flash mob

Want to make a bet ?

02.12.2011 11:02

"the BBC Audience Services department have confirmed receipt of 21,335 complaints"

OK money on the table then.

Want to bet 50 quid that a month from now absolutely nothing has happened as a result of this ?

Want to bet that those 21,335 people will be ignored by the BBC ?

I'm happy to.

BBC employee

killing strikers

02.12.2011 11:12

"in China, where strikers are in fact often killed by the authorities"

Indeed, makes me grateful to live in the UK and not under Socialism.

Grateful to be here

Hiding ?

02.12.2011 11:24

If by hiding you mean that he, the entire Top Gear production team, the two other presenters, the film and sound crew are in China filming an episode of Top Gear which was set up months ago then yes he's really hiding.

Very funny

Thanks + very funny

02.12.2011 16:39

Oh boy BBC Employee you never give up do you mate. I think you'll find probably 95% of Indymedia readers are totally opposed to the kind of "socialism" practiced in China and in Stalin's Russia etc, as we are exactly the kind of people such regimes exterminate, smart-arse, but, whatever you say, THANKS for pointing out that the entire Top Gear team are happy to film in a country whose regime regularly murders political prisoners. No surprise there then.

If (hypothetically speaking) the Nazi regime had survived in Germany, then guess who'd be off filming TV shows on the test tracks of National Socialist enterprises like Volkswagon.... you prat?!!!!



02.12.2011 16:49

maybe the cunt should do an episode about chinese tank factories and film a test-drive in tiananmen square?


easy tiger

02.12.2011 21:59

>> This time, the BBC may be compelled to severely censure Clarkson, but his idea is now out there. It is an option 'on the table' - perhaps discounted for now, but still, it remains there until a time when the ruling class is more desperate to maintain its grip on society.

Yes, in 5-10 years time, the government will sit down and think "Remember that option that clarkson mentioned? YEah the one about shooting them...."
GET A GRIP!!!!!!!! You are full of crap

1. It was a joke. Do you really believe that Clarkson wants the protestors shot? Really?
You actually don't think it was said as a joke? The man who says offending jokes about everybody but actually has never acted on any of them. You suddenly believe he wants a Beretta put into the mouth of a protestor and have the trigger pulled?

2. There are many people on this site who when they say they want someone shot they actually do mean it. Consider the conspiracy of cells of fire etc. These people want a gun put to the head of another person and the trigger pulled.

3.If you think Clarkson is going to start somekind of World War 3 ethnic genocide you are deluded and cannot be taken seriously. If you persist in this persecution then you must be stopped by any means that is lawful

4. ITs people like you that constantly week on week try to stir up trouble because it is basically your hobby. What do you call yourselves? Cant remember - but its something along the lines of a disruptive citizen. Therefore you cannot be taken seriously, because if you werent moaning about this then you would be moaning about something else.

5. In 1 week from now you will have moved onto the next big moan
Guaranteed. This will blow over and you will be moaning about something else that has happened. And on and on it will go until your life expires. Because that is your passion, your hobby. The most upset you would be int the world is if you didn't have anything to moan about.


Pull the other one

02.12.2011 23:46

"If you persist in this persecution then you must be stopped by any means that is lawful"? Ohh, you scary! This "persecution" IS lawful you bell-end, using the Ofcom and BBC complaints procedures is not illegal, but it's nice to see Clarkson's mates posting here showing their desperation. 21,000+ complaints had been received by 9:30 Friday morning, can't wait to see how many have been received by next Monday morning, and the police cases against Clarkson havn't even started. Now be a good little boy and run a nice hot soapy bath for your employer

Global Citizen

If you work for the BBC, tell us how many people have complained now?

04.12.2011 14:44

OK "BBC employee", you wanted "to bet 50 quid that a month from now absolutely nothing has happened as a result of this"? Right - what happened is that before even a single weekend was out (let alone a whole month) Jeremy Clarkson is now all over the newspapers again, this time being taken to task by mental health charities for the crass, insensitive and typically stupid comments about suicide victims, that he also made on The One Show

You might pretend this is "absolutely nothing", because you focus your myopic perceptions around what the BBC do or don't choose to do, but we ALREADY KNOW the BBC don't give a fuck, because if they gave a fuck, The One Show producers would never would have approved Jeremy Clarkson's incitements to murder strikers, before the broadcast, in the first place. If you want to post something USEFUL on the internet, find out how many complaints the BBC have now received in total, because I can guarantee you that the other thing that you owe £50 for is the increase in complaints the BBC have been keeping quiet about since you posted your comment about making a bet

While you're struggling to work all that out please donate the £50 you owe to a reputable charity.

Jeremy Clarkson went on strike when he worked for the Rotherham Advertiser

Rebekah Brooks

@Rebekah Brooks

04.12.2011 15:02

Fuck off and get a life LOL!
no one gives a shit



04.12.2011 23:23

>> Insist the BBC sack him now

Or else what? Whats your leverage?

stevey jones

Reply to Stevey

06.12.2011 09:39

Clarkson's mates wouldn't even be posting here if they weren't seriously worried about this thread

Diane Coyle

The morality of the BBC

10.12.2012 14:35

Revisiting this thread after some time, and reviewing this issue from the perspective of late 2012, I've got 2 words to say about the morality of the BBC - Jimmy Savile


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