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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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2 Fr.Bks:Indignez-vous(Time for Change)&”Coming Insurrection” spur revolts

10-02-2011 18:41

Two recent books from France and England are stirring up revolutions, and it's about time.

I'll quote from them a little, because you need to know. But I am not trying to steal their sales. If you get a copy, that's a revolutionary act in itself.

Roma and Arabs in Europe and Latinos in America, take note. This about protecting your rights.

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Hackney Marches Against the Cuts!

09-02-2011 18:35

Protest against the cuts in Hackney on Saturday 19th Feb 2011!

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Banksy protest at Bristol Museum - Exit through the departure lounge?

09-02-2011 14:05

Painting in Bristol Museum
New work left on wall challenges recent exhibition

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UG#537 - From Divided Brains to Divided Societies (Neurological/Cultural Roots)

08-02-2011 08:27

This week we hear two scholars on the profound roots of separation, firstly within the structure of the brain itself, secondly between individuals in modern society. Ian McGilchrist sets the scene in our first hour with The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. In our second hour we replay one of the deepest talks from earlier Unwelcome Guests episodes - The Roots and Ramifications of our Culture of Hierarchy and Control by Marvin Bram.

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On the Murder of David Kato, the Ugandan Gay Rights Campaigner

07-02-2011 13:24

African states must protect the rights of their citizens to freedom and dignity. Homosexuals must not be denied these rights.

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United in our heritage

07-02-2011 11:39

Hussein Al-alak is a journalist, campaigner and chairman of Iraq Solidarity UK.

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Shhhhh In at Sheffield Central Library #shh4sheflib

05-02-2011 16:31

There was a big turn out at the Shhhhh In at Sheffield's Central Library on Saturday 5th February, the details of the proposed cuts are due to be known on 16th February 2011.

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Stroud Libraries Event Saturday 5th 12-4pm, Protest 4-5.30pm

04-02-2011 10:10

February the 5th has been called as a National Day of Action to Save our Libraries
In Stroud several authors have stepped forward to run sessions to celebrate Libraries
There will also be a talk on "Deficit Hysteria and Alternatives to the Cuts"

At 4pm, when Strtoud Library shuts, library supporters will become protesters - taking their views to the streets.

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Protesters Back at Fur Seller Dixie's Clothes Stall

30-01-2011 19:54

Vintage fur perpetuates the fur industry, as fur is made 'acceptable' in the vintage scene, it finds it's way on to the catwalk in the form of new fur. Indeed new 'imperfect' fur is often passed off as vintage by manufactures and finds it's way into vintage retailers.

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Dixie's Vintage Stall Cambridge's Last Fur Retailer

22-01-2011 21:15

Vintage fur perpetuates the fur industry, as fur is make 'acceptable' in the vintage scene, it finds it's way on to the catwalk in the form of new fur. Indeed new 'imperfect' fur is often passed off as vintage by manufactures and finds it's way into vintage retailers.

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Book banning in Italy; backtracking on human rights

22-01-2011 19:25

Authorities in Italy have sent out a list of author's whose work they want removed from the shelves because of their support for a contraversial activist called Cesare Battisti. Based on a press release from an Italian group campaigning against what is happening, who have requested global publicity on the matter.

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The Ultimate Survivor

20-01-2011 11:26

The Ultimate Survivor
This new documentary is a celebration of a real local landmark. 100 years ago, the little picture palace on Jeune street opened for the very first time. In the 1970s - sporting fabulous Al Jolson hands on its classical facade - the Penultimate Picture Palace became famous for screening unusual, sometimes controversial films. Now revived and rejuvenated the cinema lives again as the Ultimate Picture Palace....

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Gathering to discuss occupying space in sheffield

19-01-2011 19:42

first meeting to discuss ideas to occupy spaces in sheffield and south yorkshire for event space and community project. will look into potential sites and gauge amount of people would be planning on moving in and how many people can offer help. please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.

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Workers Film and Video site

15-01-2011 20:23

Good films , archive footage about key events in working-class history
from the time of the French Revolution.

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Song for Bradley Manning

14-01-2011 11:22

David Rovics has written a 'Song for Bradley Manning', the GI accused of being the source of the Wikileaks' Cablegate scandal, and a poorly recorded version is already on Youtube. He is trying to raise funds to record it professionally, since he gives his music away for free. The lyrics are excellent and the public just aren't exposed to enough decent protest songs, certainly none about Wikileaks. He is also about to tour Europe again.

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Progressive Theatre Plays to Pentagon

13-01-2011 18:22

Reported in London Evening Standard and on BBC Radio 4 news
Kilburn's Tricycle Theatre will give an extra special performance of their highly acclaimed The Great Game series of plays.

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Anarchist uprising in.... Winchester?

12-01-2011 12:44

This is the first edition of Bastard Monthly, a local paper for Winchester with gallows humour, expose's and a bit of class warfare for good measure.

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Save the Prince of Wales.

09-01-2011 18:08

Thursday 13th of January is the last chance to voice your opposition to the construction of unnecessary yuppie flats in Moseley which threaten the future of it's last true local pub, The Prince Of Wales.

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CSI Palestine

07-01-2011 00:01

The tragic death of an unarmed woman in Palestine last Friday (31st) has lead to a global cry for action against the increasing use of 'non-violent' weapons in the continued repression of the Palestinian people.

On the Newswire: 1

Links: |

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Action East End Film Club

06-01-2011 14:51

Latest film from Action east end Film Club
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