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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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Bust the Bins - Oxfree strikes again

01-09-2005 19:43

The second weekly recycling of Oxfam's unwanted stuff grows on past success

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Manda tus videos y cortos!!!

01-09-2005 17:02

Envia tus videos a la muestra internacional de cortometrajes!!!

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Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 3

01-09-2005 11:17

Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 3
Plenty of exhibits and loads of lovely people. Letting it all hang out. Next to Afro-Caribbean Carnivals, I think these events are the most colourful and exuberant that we have in this country.
The biggest cheers of the crowd, went to the public service workers.

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Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 2

01-09-2005 11:08

Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 2
Plenty of exhibits and loads of lovely people. Letting it all hang out. Next to Afro-Caribbean Carnivals, I think these events are the most colourful and exuberant that we have in this country.
The biggest cheers of the crowd, went to the public service workers.

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Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 1

01-09-2005 11:02

Manchester Gay Pride Parade :: The Pictures 1
Plenty of exhibits and loads of lovely people. Letting it all hang out. Next to Afro-Caribbean Carnivals, I think these events are the most colourful and exuberant that we have in this country.
The biggest cheers of the crowd, went to the public service workers.

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Lap Dancing in Southampton

31-08-2005 17:07

There have been a few new openings of lap dancing clubs in Southampton. One of the more established is applying for its license to be renewed.

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Rock against Coca Cola and war in Turkey

30-08-2005 10:40

BarisaRock Festival (Rock for peace) in Istanbul has ended with a great success last weekend. More than 60 organizations, campaigns and initiatives have been involved in the activities.

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Wikipedia is controlled by group bullying and hatefulness

28-08-2005 16:58

This is online demonstrated truth. The tragedy that Wikipedia has failed because it is full of social hate and unethically does not back individual users against it. any group stroing enough to organise bullying, e.g.for buysiness agendas, now dictates Wikipedia's content

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Anarchist Pogo Party's election TV spot censored

28-08-2005 10:14

In the run up to the German elections for parliament and governemnt, several satirical and fun parties promise to make elections interesting entertainment again.
The Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany has now their TV spot censored, because of too much "sex, drugs, alcohol and violence".
But the founder of the Anarchist Pogo Party claims, that this scene would just mirror the catastrophical conditions in our society leading to an apocalyptic vision of the future".

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Say no to Indonesia as a tourist destination

28-08-2005 02:27

No holiday and not cheap!
But perhaps people want to take drugs when they go out and just because it is not a 'legal drug' doesn't mean it's not useful or even more useful. So I guess now the Australian authorities will insist that this is what can happen in Australia somewhere down the track and more likely to be being promoted for that very reason by propagandists here?

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Dirty acussation of Paramilitarism in Caraca against young Intelectual

28-08-2005 00:29

After being robbed in Caracas at the world youth festival for the youth and students, a Colombian journalist and well known activist is falsely accussed of being paramilitar when he controverted the authorities at the festival.

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The Akha Hill Tribe in Thailand HELP NEEDED

26-08-2005 11:51

British Student Adam Lane is in the village of Pah Nmm. The Thai army terrorized this village and the host family. They threatened them with arrest if foreigners stay in this village. In a conversation today with him at the village I was told that the villagers are still terrified that they will be arrested for foreigners being there.

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East Oxford Revels in Oxfam Throw-aways

25-08-2005 20:39

Residents of East Oxford met in unlikely circumstances tonight when the donated items put out for rubbish collection by Oxfam were unpacked and given away on tables. No-one has yet taken responsibility for the action, but it is not believed to have originated within the NGO.

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Repeatitive Beat(ing)s: This wouldn't happen to the Osmonds!

24-08-2005 07:52

Utah sherrifs accused of violently busting a rave; promoters say the event was 100% legal.

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Seriously Organised Crime

23-08-2005 16:10

Parliament passed a law stating that we can't protest in central London without first asking for permission from a certain Commissioner Ian Blair. Should you ever wish to ask for permission, you'll have to fill in the application form and submit it by hand six days before you want to protest. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE this application form to those who would like to protest.

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Can't Stand the Heat! - Climate Club Night

23-08-2005 12:11

Feeling hot under the collar? Join the party to stop global meltdown. Local DJs play an eclectic mix of music & there'll be climate themed cocktails, free face-painting and climate inspired (optional) fancy dress. Get out your scuba gear, come as a gas guzzling 4x4 or a homeless polar bear...just a few ideas - be creative!

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The Beginning and the End of Life

23-08-2005 01:12

Ten years post - war, Serbia continues her legacy of destruction.

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Gay Manchester: Operation Fundraiser's deceptive Annual Report

22-08-2005 23:08

Nowhere in the Operation Fundraiser 'Annual Report 2004-2005' does it mention the £200,000 that was very likely handed over to Manchester Pride to cover running costs.

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Kids Take the Power Back With Mobiles

22-08-2005 08:13

As the school year starts, school admins and scotland yard find out that the kids have decided to use their devices for things other than those intended.

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Teachers accused of anti-US bias

22-08-2005 00:39

But who owns the problem?
The NSW Teachers Federation condemned costello's comments as "absolute nonsense". Its senior vice-president, Angelo Gavrielatos, said: "The constant denegration of teachers isn't good for the country."
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