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UK Culture Newswire Archive

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"KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library" double issue now available.

16-07-2006 10:23

The Kate Sharpley Library have just published a double issue of their bulletin, focusing on the Spanish Revolution of 1936, the Iron Column, and the execution of Salvador Puig Antich in 1974.

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AF ASBO in London

15-07-2006 18:11

Well they've done it again. Some dick with a can of spray paint and nothing better to write or prove has sprayed the initials A F (circle A anarchy style no less) outside the rampART. This wouldn't perhaps be so annoying if A F meant anything in terms of the rampart by virtue of indicating that a group known by those initials actually have anything to do with running the space, but they don't. It wouldn't be so anoying if the letters weren't deliberatly sprayed over a piece of art work that was actually commisioned by those who do run the space....

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banner in bristol

14-07-2006 06:54

saw this in bristol this morning

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Graffiti for social change in Tirana

13-07-2006 14:03

Ergin, graffiti artist from Tirana:

In Tirana graffiti is a new thing. I started doing graffiti in December 2005, with a group of five. So far the authorities are tolerating us. We do our graffiti in daylight, as an open public statement and to have direct contact with people. The police sometimes shows up and tells us to stop, that's all. Then we continue the next day. We started off with two walls, at Rug Albassan and Rug Kavaja, and now want to spread further through Tirana. We have to see how the authorities react to this. For me, graffiti is a strong form of urban art, it takes art out of galleries, and out of the system. Graffiti gives me a direct relationship with people on the streets. In Albania, it's very important to explain your point of view to people and the street is a good place for this. I want to show that we want to be free in our life to choose, if you don't choose your freedom, you lose it. We hope that a new generation of youth will get more into graffiti. It has a direct impact on society, messages from the street are needed in Albania, with our history of authoritarianism.

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Crude Food

12-07-2006 12:01

The relentless power of supermarket traders has revolutionised Britain's retail indusry practices and consumer shopping habbits.

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Come to the UK Forum for Non-Violence

12-07-2006 11:43

We are holding a festival of non-violent resistance on the weekend of July 21st in London. Read on for more details!

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Australia bans two books under anti-terror laws - If it can happen there...

11-07-2006 21:30

Two books promoting suicide bombings have been banned in Australia under the country's new anti-terrorism laws.

The country's Classification Review Board says the two books, Defence of the Muslim Lands and Join the Caravan can no longer be sold in Australia or imported.

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pink - radical cheerleading - samba - clowns in moscow against G8

11-07-2006 18:43

Today a sucessfull public action against the G8 took place in central moscow.

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remembers . . . . to have a future

11-07-2006 17:47

latest news, nuclear review, comment, plus

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Bottling Out

11-07-2006 14:59

The stark truths that lie behind the myth of bottled water have little to be desired – not least to the environment and your wallet. This begs the question, is it really worth it?

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No Pasaran! - Commemorating the Spanish Revolution

11-07-2006 14:53

Liverpool Social Forum presents a night of film and talk commemorating the Spanish Revolution and its heroic struggle for equality and freedom, against fascism and militarism.

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Nerve Magazine Party in Aigburth

11-07-2006 12:10

'Nerve' - Liverpool's grassroots arts and politics magazine held a fundraising party on Friday 7th July. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and we made lots of money, which we will use this to continue taking the fight to the culture of capital!

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'Beat crime by targeting poverty'

11-07-2006 00:04

True scale of criminal justice failure
And pursuing a hopeless quest to drive up the conviction rate had sent the Government up a "policy cul-de-sac", it argued. The study concluded: "The Government's flawed analysis has masked the true scale of criminal justice failure."

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Open Boat Day 2006 Pictures and Story

10-07-2006 22:41

Some merchandise.
On Saturday (8th July 2006) the third annual Open Boat Day took place near Jesus Green Lock.

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Sheffield Gay Day

10-07-2006 20:48

Picnin in the Park event @ Endcliffe Park, 2pm Saturday 12th August

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10-07-2006 20:32

A 3 part documentary began on BBC2 at 7 pm tonight with the second and third ones on Monday 17 and 24 th July.

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City of God Screening @ Everything4Everyone

10-07-2006 17:52

City of God, the moving and brutally real movie depiction of favela life in Brazil, will be showing at 'Everything4Everyone' on Tuesday 11th July.

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Outfoxed - the war on journalism

10-07-2006 12:02

London indymedia film festival continues this evening on a 'media' theme...

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Six Billboards "Liberated" in Bristol

10-07-2006 10:15

Taken from Bristol Indymedia :

Last week 6 billboards were felled in Bristol

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All You Ever Wanted To Know About Roma Culture

09-07-2006 20:12

A Brief Description of Roma Culture, Traditions and Politics. Romas are possibly one of the most mis-understood and mis-represented peoples on the planet. This article attempts to shed a small beam of light on what is an extremely fascinating yet persecuted way of life.
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