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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Viva Palestine convoy - George Galloway deported from Egypt

08-01-2010 10:31

The Respect party member was apparently trying to enter Gaza with a humanitarian convoy.

According to the 'Viva Palestine' spokeswoman, the convoy had been arrested at the Rafah crossing point - plain clothed officers identified Galloway and police bundled him into a vehicle and drove off before putting him on a plane back to London.

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Gaza, Play, Blood and Sand

07-01-2010 16:51

Gaza visit - sand stories and lots of play

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Light a Candle For Gaza in Cardiff

06-01-2010 15:24


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Sample email and phone statement for Egyptian Embassy and MPs

06-01-2010 13:00

Here is a sample telephone statement to say when you call the egyptian embassy. The egyptian embassy has stated they have received many calls and emails. I asked approximately how many calls and emails they've received this morning. he sounded fed up and said he can't disclose except saying they've received "a lot". I read the statement and as soon as he heard the words viva palestina he put the phone down, but never hung up, he walked away from the phone. I could hear talking and phones ringing in the background. After 20 seconds he returned back to the phone, and I continued reading my statement he sounded now really annoyed probably having expected me to hang up. After reading my statement I asked him how my raised concerns would be next processed, he said he had no power and that he said if you email it would forwarded to the relevant authority who would do something about it.

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Profiting From the Occupation: An Open Letter to Fyffes

06-01-2010 09:54

The Christmas period is one of the busiest times of the year for date importers. Tonnes of dates are imported into the UK from illegal Israeli agricultural settlements on Palestinian land. Campaigners have been focusing on Israeli companies, such as Carmel Agrexco, importing these dates into the UK but little is known about Fyffes, a transnational company that has also sourced dates from Israeli settlements.

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Riot Police attack UK humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza

05-01-2010 23:10

2000 riot cops battle over Gaza aid

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Under 2 weeks to Smash EDO's J18: Remember Gaza

05-01-2010 21:37

With just under two weeks to go to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza mass event this is a short message to keep you all in the loop.

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Gaza Freedom March Marches in Cairo Against Egyptian Blockade

05-01-2010 11:04

Gaza Freedom March marching in Cairo on 31 December 2009
On the first anniversary of the Israeli military assault on Gaza, the Gaza Freedom March, trapped in Cairo, marched not only against the Israeli siege on Gaza, but on the Egyptian blockade as well. On New Year’s Day 2010, GFM delegates ratified the historic Cairo Declaration, launching a globally-unified boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid.

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1st Anniversary Benefit for Bristol EDO Decommissioners

05-01-2010 00:45

Exactly 1 year on from the decommissioning of the EDI ITT arms factory in Brighton by 6 Bristol anti-militarists (see, supporters of the 6 combine to present a rip snorting fundraiser for the defendants campaign.

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Remember Gaza - Target Barclays - Smash EDO

04-01-2010 22:10

There has been a global call for action from the international Palestine solidarity movement for December 27th - January 18th, the anniversary of the Israeli massacre in Gaza, In the run up to Smash EDO's Remember Gaza mass demonstration on the 18th Jan why not target Barclays Bank, read on to find out why...

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Lebanon: Rebellious rhymes against post-war misery

03-01-2010 11:25

MC Tamarrod
The hip-hop beats ringing through the muddy, unlit streets of the burnt-out Palestinian refugee camp Nahr al-Bared seem incongruous. But the rhymes are camp-grown - and courageous.

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Smash EDO benefit roast today

03-01-2010 09:59

Come and raise some money for Smash EDO by having a lovely roast!

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Photos of Gaza lift the siege demonstration; London Sunday December 27th 2009

02-01-2010 19:07

Here is a report by Mathaba reporter Karen Dabrowska along with a number of photos taken by myself.

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Remember Gaza 2010

01-01-2010 10:48

Market Square Message
A timely reminder of events unfolding last year, using a now familiar canvas. Happy New Year, those who are free, cherish it, freedom is not free...

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Gaza's border must be opened NOW

30-12-2009 16:21

Solidarity activists join hunger strikers in Cairo
This time is clearly different.

I have traveled to Gaza twice this year, in groups ranging from 40 to 60 persons, and although there was a lot of behind-the-scenes work involved in "greasing the wheels" with the Egyptian authorities, we pretty much sailed in. CODEPINK (the group that organized both of my previous trips) developed a well-earned reputation for being able to pull just the right levers to open the doors to the isolated enclave of Gaza -- even more so than George Galloway's Viva Palestina convoy, which is typically allowed in for only 24 to 48 hours (versus our four days).

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Christmas in Parliament Square

30-12-2009 16:17

An account of the ongoing peace camapign of Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker in London's Parliament Square with 20 photos

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Local coverage of Smash EDO Remember Gaza demo

29-12-2009 21:24

Bickering has already started amongst readers of the local Brighton paper The Argus about the Smash EDO January 18th Remeber Gaza demo.

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Protest Delegation At The Egyptian Embassy

29-12-2009 01:30

PROTEST DELEGATION AT THE EGYPTIAN EMBASSY********************************* South Street London W1 (off Park Lane, Marble Arch or Hyde Park Corner tubes) 10am Tuesday 29thThe contact details for the Egyptian Embassy in London: 0044-20-7499-3304 /

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The Gaza Assault in Perspective

28-12-2009 16:27

Given the muddying and falsifying of the record of the attack, it is useful to review three things: the causes of the attack, the attack itself, and the logical conclusions to be drawn from the attack
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