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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Boycotting Israel: Enter the Dockers

07-02-2009 17:33

The Histadrut trade union intends to ask the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) for assistance with the planned boycott of Israeli ships by dockers in South Africa. “The union in South Africa is against anything connected to Israel, and in the past even objected to a cooperation agreement we signed with the Palestinian transport workers union,” said Transport Workers Union chairman Avi Edri.

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Reporting of the Gaza Conflict

07-02-2009 17:17

We have spent the last month meticulously reading, watching, listening to and analysing what the UK media had to say about Israel’s operation in Gaza (within the limits of our scope of monitoring). Our objective has been to see whether the coverage was balanced, impartial and factually accurate. Had any lessons been learnt since Lebanon 2006 when, in the eyes of many, the media got it so wrong?

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Mass student campaign for solidarity with Palestine wins victories at Dundee Uni

07-02-2009 16:49

The March
Three weeks ago Dundee University did not have a Stop the War society. Now this newly formed society, which takes support from a number of different organisations active at the university, has had some major success in having demands met. The movement has snow-balled and after several meetings, a march and significant and constant pressure being put upon the Union (including forcing an EGM) DU Stop the War continues to push for action against the perceived apartheid at the hands of Israel. This article explains the actions of the last week and particularly the EGM which had the largest attendance in years.

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Israel and Hamas Won, So Who Lost?

07-02-2009 15:44

The spectacle of tanks back from the battlefield with the blue and white Star of David flapping from their turrets, the faces of the young soldiers, their body language—all leave no doubt concerning Israel's victory. If we compare this pullback from Gaza with the one from Lebanon over two years past, there is no need for extensive commentary: Israel has retrieved the pride and reputation of its army, which had been badly damaged by that other war in the north. The world has been reminded that the Middle East contains but a single military power worthy of the name. Deterrent capability, the magical force that is supposed to protect Israel from its enemies, has returned in full strength. Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, who promised to correct his earlier failures in accordance with the findings of the Winograd Inquiry, has indeed come through.

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Al Jazeera the hostile enemy

07-02-2009 13:36

Israeli officials said they plan to make it harder for the Arabic television network al-Jazeera to operate in Israel and the West Bank. Media reports said Israel will not renew the work visas of some Israeli-based al-Jazeera employees, and that the network's reporters will have less access to news conferences and briefings.

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Supporting terrorism on the net

07-02-2009 13:19

Last November, blogger Mohamed Adel, or General Mait (dead), was detained because of a photograph taken of him, with a Palestinian Hamas official. The damning evidence was clicked when Adel participated in a humanitarian caravan to the Gaza Strip.

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Cops blockade Agrexco warehouse

07-02-2009 08:23

At 7.30 this morning, demonstrators arrived in front of the Carmel-Agrexco warehouse for a sunrise picknick, only to discover 40 members of the Metropolitan Constabulary staging a blockade in solidarity with Palestine.

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No Grand Reception for the Israeli Ambassador

06-02-2009 23:46

On Monday 9th February the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea are holding a lavish reception for diplomats at Kensington Town Hall - their special guest for the night will be the Israeli Ambassador.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign, along with Stop the War Coalition and British Muslim Initiative are asking all London and South East supporters to come to the town hall and show your disgust at the invitation.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 06 2009

06-02-2009 18:05


This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for January 31st through to February 6th 2009.

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Nativity Play, Bilbao, Pais Vasco

06-02-2009 17:33

If Jesus was born today ?

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No Borders Gaza! - an urgent call to No Borders Networks from Gaza

06-02-2009 10:57

We call on social movements, particularly No Borders networks, and people of conscience to target Israeli and Egyptian embassies, institutions, and corporations. Particularly in the coming days of intensified border closure, we must work to pressure both governments to abide by international law and open Gaza for the free movement of aid, goods and people.

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Slow Resettlement for Palestinian-Iraqi Refugees

06-02-2009 09:53

The start of 2009 offers little hope to the residents of Al Tanf, a refugee camp on the Syrian-Iraqi border housing over 700 Palestinians who had fled persecution in Iraq. No country has given any concrete pledge to take any of the refugees for resettlement in 2009, leaving them to battle the cold desert weather this winter with more despair than ever.

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Books Not Bombs: A Rally for Gaza

06-02-2009 08:04

On Friday the 6th of February 2009 at 2:30pm, University of Nottingham students and academics as well as members of the local community will come together and urge the University administration to re-focus its connections to the Israel and Palestine conflict.

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Swedish Students Throw Shoes and Books at the Israeli Ambassador

06-02-2009 00:56

Outrageous behavior of Swedish students towards the respected Israeli Ambassador to Sweden.

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Student Activism on Brum Uni Campus – The Criminalisation of Lawful Protest

06-02-2009 00:41

Banner by day
The occupation of Arts room LR4 in Birmingham University, conducted on 20th January 2009, which was in solidarity with Gaza and the people of Palestine ended after 12 hours because of the University’s heavy handed approach. The Arts building was shut down early, preventing many people wanting to get back into the occupation from doing so. Then after hours of negotiation the university security used force to compromise the door into the lecture room. Students blockaded the door as negotiations continued to maintain a hold on the room, but eventually due to the threats of removal by force from the police students voted to leave the room. They left with chants of “free free Palestine” and a written document issuing them a meeting with the Vice Chancellor of the University to discuss their demands.

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The War on Terror is a Hoax

05-02-2009 22:18

According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists.

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Change the Lobby

05-02-2009 21:12

One cannot emphasize enough the stranglehold Israel's lobbying infrastructure has on US foreign policy. The events of recent weeks undoubtedly attest to this. 'The special relationship' that has been historically fostered between the US and Israel in fact, is often a relationship of leverage, manipulation and intimidation, and often leads to the US supporting actions or resolutions that stand at complete odds with the interests of the American people.

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The Other Side of Gaza

05-02-2009 21:06

The Israelis invaded Gaza the day I went on leave. My Blackberry started buzzing with messages, and did not let up for 22 days. One of my contacts in Gaza City SMSed me on the first night of bombing: ``WE R NOT ALONE. ALLAH + US. 3 YEARS SIEGE. WE STILL STRONG.''

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Valentine's Mass Demonstration against Carmel-Agrexco

05-02-2009 20:59

The Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) campaign and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) will hold a mass picket at the depot of the Israeli state export company on Saturday February 7th at 12pm.

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Welsh Assembly Govt implicated in Israeli war crimes

05-02-2009 20:26

Welsh Assembly Government money has funded research facilities which have been used to develop military hardware employed by the Israelis during their recent onslaught against the people of Gaza.
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